The North is a state of mind
You must have seen a lot of maps in your lifetime. And depending on where you live, they might be a little different than other maps around the world. And by now, you should already know that all of them are basically false and you shouldn’t trust them as they are.
It’s all about perspective. The world map most of us know is just a mental map: a common agreement on how we view the world. There is no universal rule that maps should have ‘north’ at the top: it is just common. South-up map orientation is a real phenomenon!
It’s the same here in the north, in the Arctic. Most maps display us as the most remote place on Earth. But that's just a visualization! You could look at the globe with the Arctic as the epicentrum of everything: the icy heart of the world! From that point of view, many “far away” countries are actually neighbors: the US, Russia, Finland, Canada and so on.
Thus the Arctic really could be, and in many ways already is, the center of the world. And that’s why I think it is so exciting to study in the University of Lapland. Being part of the Arctic through my studies is very unique and interesting. And the Arctic being part of my professional story from the start really distinguishes me from so many other people.
I major in Fashion, Textile Art and Material Studies. And during my Bachelor’s courses in Clothing Design, we often concentrated on the Arctic conditions. And it was not just battling the cold or the dark, it also meant considering the international culture and the industrious attitude of locals. Living in the north is something people are very proud of!
There is a saying that north is not a place: it is a destination, a state of mind. And that’s why I would like to encourage you to consider the University of Lapland as your alma mater - your academic home or an exchange destination. It is not just the credits you get from the courses or the amazing nature just outside your apartment door: it is the truly global and future-oriented atmosphere you can experience here! At our university you can really look at the world from a different angle and see all the beauty that lies within.
- Miikka
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